Thursday, December 3, 2015

Vote for overseas workers

Reform Alliance of elections called (ERA) has urged the National Election Committee (NEC. NEC.) Organized office to register to vote borders and embassies Khmer abroad so that citizens exile migrant worker the opportunity to vote everyone. The mention of such a forum roundtable discussion on "The system of registering new voters," on the afternoon of December 3, 2015, which was attended by representatives of NEC. NEC. Organization COMFREL organizations Nixon Pacific Center for Education Law for the communities, political parties and some other organizations. Executive director of Comfrel as a member of the Electoral Reform Alliance intellectual Koul said that Khmer citizens who migrate to work abroad amounted to hundreds of thousands of people and they were absent in the last election. He urged.. Conduct fresh voter registration on the uptick in the border and the Khmer embassy so that those citizens registered to vote. He said: "NEC. NEC. Must form his mobile so that Mee some who live in Thailand, each migrant workers in it could to the border, and his enrollment and he said he wanted to register to vote in the province in the office at the commune, in this way, the system system c. NEC. This does not matter, they can control the name repetition, because the system is a computer system uses so-called bio-kilometers. So no concerns Clark repetition okay No, if they knew, they can go check. " In addition, participants discussed a spokesman for the ruling party Khmer Tep Virak also urged to organize elections for the citizens of Khmer who live in foreign countries. He added: "We should create a one that allow people he went to work abroad in Korea, Thailand, in Malaysia or citizens in the United States elsewhere he nationality Khmer am a Khmer am able to vote as citizens of the country too." In this regards, spokesman for NEC. NEC. Hang Putheara said in the talks that the preparation of both offices by registered voters at the border and in the embassies of each country that NEC. NEC. Has not been able to do it yet. He added: "I think that may not yet possible because the first problem is to face the current budget to address 2400 budget to the commune am not yet. Another, as I say in themselves, officials said yesterday that the embassy can help just have to register complaints something he was not able to cope. So we certainly need additional financial resources needed to push for registration in both frontier and abroad. "