Thursday, December 3, 2015

Molyvann: the development of the capital should be turned towards the south

PHNOM PENH, although experts Cambodia's real estate sector have suggested that the development of the city in the future will expand to northern west and north of the city, but the idea is contrary to the idea of ​​Professor Molyvann Capital development Referring to the south instead. Molyvann architect hero spoke to Khmer nearly 1,000 students who study on the architecture and construction skills in a program named that Sharing Vast Experience in the Field of Architecture and Construction around the World at the University of Cambodia (PUC) recently that citizens living in the city more to make the city more compact urban development is needed, but the expansion of the city, they should be extended to South River Bassac towards Takmao city better. Professor He said: Phnom Penh, Cambodia's capital, with many people living in and have a greater economic activity. Transporting goods in and out of about 80 percent, so a key point to stimulate economic activity also rose . Professor told that in 2015, people living in Phnom Penh could rise to 3 million could be an area three times larger than the present was prepared infrastructure more consistent population growth. He said: 'I think the development of the city to the south than to the west, because the southern River water for the Liberation avoid flooding problems. He said that the idea he mentioned in his book titled City of modern Khmer for children Khmer children the next generation research. Du companions dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction of the University of Cambodia (PUC), said that I agreed to the idea, Professor Molyvann, said the city should extend to the south despite the current movement of investment in West very well. He said that investors did not think the flooding problem, but think about their business. He said every country in 50 years may be intense flooding occurred and city the bottom of the pan vulnerable to flooding problems in the rainy season. Dean has said: 'past flooding in the western region of National Road 4 and the national road No. 5 affected most, but according to his opinion southern Molyvann not suffer the impact of flooding by waterways can deliver, especially brown rivers again and the region farming is also more favorable. He said that our country faced with these issues since the 6th century, back to the mountain kingdom Borei power decline and economic decline due to the flooding. He said that in Vek and Tonle Sap region, as well as all our experience should reconsider. He said that the former urban development expert Professor Molyvann, said investors seemed less likely to take this idea to consider, but only the individual interests and any land area west and north of possible cheaper They buy a lot different from the land in the southern region are buying less expensive. He added that investors should start investing to what Molyvann raised develop a good technical experts think such big government should also follow, and should also think about the future more than the present. Dith Channa, president of ATM estate, said urban development expert Professor Molyvann see long away for the lives of the people, but the actual check that the factory building in the western industry and North blooming, there are easy to import goods through the port of Sihanoukville and Kampot but Given the long-term future, the idea of ​​a professor is the right idea. He said that progress today can say that apparently they did not think about the future of the city long garment industry occurred several more homes and the home rental business good . He said: 'I think that in the next 5 to 10 years, the City and West but in the future he Molyvann might be better to think of us. Manufacturers industry is not a destination for investment in the southern region, he said. He said that the price of land in the southern city of Black is currently worth between $ 400 to $ 500 per square meter and residential areas inside the small road between $ 100 and $ 150 price will be similar to the west and above but trading activity may go a little.