Thursday, September 17, 2015

Ukraine elevate Russian embargo

Ukraine elevate Russian embargo The Ukrainian government announced more sanctions against individuals and companies of Russia. As the date for local elections separatists themselves. Before the election, the government announced.

Foreign news reports of Nazi U Mario Ukraine on 17 September that the president's spokesman Peter Poro Shevchenko Ukrainian leader said Wednesday that. The President has signed the new sanctions. Which will affect 400 individuals and 90 companies of Russia. This includes high-ranking officials of the Russian authorities, the minister of Defense and the Chairman of Parliament, led by separatist groups. It also includes the Western journalists. Whether it is from the BBC. The President of Germany And a Spanish reporter Such list to be revealed shortly. The separatists in the Basque city of Donetsk. The eastern part of the country Today announced the dates for their local elections on 18 October, while the rebels in the town of Lu Han masks elections scheduled to take place on Nov. 1, the previous government announced elections in Kiev. In the local area on Oct 25 Poro Shevchenko, who denounced the movement of rebels in this matter. It is illegal and undermine the armistice agreement the two sides together in February last.