Friday, December 4, 2015

5 Symptoms can prove your Facebook hack

Facebook really popular play from the world's population because the relationship between human services quick and easy remote. Because such a perverse image can use tricks to steal your Facebook account, the interested Norway they do not hack, hack or intelligence purposes. This page BizKhmer 5 signs that your Facebook account can be hacked.

1) Post on your Wall and your own hosting account that you have not done
Any common Post on Facebook account, you will know that that's what you really posted or not. If you see their account posted a story that you do not doubt that there is a problem. Problems that are going to first-time hacker.
Please note that currently there are some website has created an app can connect with social networks Facebook and Twitter in order to be able to publish a link (link) also automatically .
2) have a Facebook account to log into a different location, you do not know
Some social networks including Facebook is currently generated comes with a function enables the user bookmarks the last action account of use (last login).
You can go to login using your Facebook account in the Security Security Settings. To go to the Security Settings, click on the down arrow head (drop-down arrow) and click on Settings. On the left side of the tab, go to Security, and on the right, click on Where You're Logged In. Here you will see the action (Session) to log into your Facebook account. Will display information such as: hours of the last log using Facebook, the location of the log, and the type of device used to log into and so on.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Molyvann: the development of the capital should be turned towards the south

PHNOM PENH, although experts Cambodia's real estate sector have suggested that the development of the city in the future will expand to northern west and north of the city, but the idea is contrary to the idea of ​​Professor Molyvann Capital development Referring to the south instead. Molyvann architect hero spoke to Khmer nearly 1,000 students who study on the architecture and construction skills in a program named that Sharing Vast Experience in the Field of Architecture and Construction around the World at the University of Cambodia (PUC) recently that citizens living in the city more to make the city more compact urban development is needed, but the expansion of the city, they should be extended to South River Bassac towards Takmao city better. Professor He said: Phnom Penh, Cambodia's capital, with many people living in and have a greater economic activity. Transporting goods in and out of about 80 percent, so a key point to stimulate economic activity also rose . Professor told that in 2015, people living in Phnom Penh could rise to 3 million could be an area three times larger than the present was prepared infrastructure more consistent population growth. He said: 'I think the development of the city to the south than to the west, because the southern River water for the Liberation avoid flooding problems. He said that the idea he mentioned in his book titled City of modern Khmer for children Khmer children the next generation research. Du companions dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction of the University of Cambodia (PUC), said that I agreed to the idea, Professor Molyvann, said the city should extend to the south despite the current movement of investment in West very well. He said that investors did not think the flooding problem, but think about their business. He said every country in 50 years may be intense flooding occurred and city the bottom of the pan vulnerable to flooding problems in the rainy season. Dean has said: 'past flooding in the western region of National Road 4 and the national road No. 5 affected most, but according to his opinion southern Molyvann not suffer the impact of flooding by waterways can deliver, especially brown rivers again and the region farming is also more favorable. He said that our country faced with these issues since the 6th century, back to the mountain kingdom Borei power decline and economic decline due to the flooding. He said that in Vek and Tonle Sap region, as well as all our experience should reconsider. He said that the former urban development expert Professor Molyvann, said investors seemed less likely to take this idea to consider, but only the individual interests and any land area west and north of possible cheaper They buy a lot different from the land in the southern region are buying less expensive. He added that investors should start investing to what Molyvann raised develop a good technical experts think such big government should also follow, and should also think about the future more than the present. Dith Channa, president of ATM estate, said urban development expert Professor Molyvann see long away for the lives of the people, but the actual check that the factory building in the western industry and North blooming, there are easy to import goods through the port of Sihanoukville and Kampot but Given the long-term future, the idea of ​​a professor is the right idea. He said that progress today can say that apparently they did not think about the future of the city long garment industry occurred several more homes and the home rental business good . He said: 'I think that in the next 5 to 10 years, the City and West but in the future he Molyvann might be better to think of us. Manufacturers industry is not a destination for investment in the southern region, he said. He said that the price of land in the southern city of Black is currently worth between $ 400 to $ 500 per square meter and residential areas inside the small road between $ 100 and $ 150 price will be similar to the west and above but trading activity may go a little.

How to prevent pregnancy

For the past several years, and that oral contraceptives are popular for couples who do not want to have children. But today there are many options that men and women can choose, if they do not want to start creating a new family. Pregnancy is a big step in life couple. Couple of more than 100% must have children. However, accidental pregnancy can not be changed without proper protection.
There must be absolutely contraception after sex if you do not want to get pregnant. In the past women have an obligation to take or choose natural compounds that protect the pregnancy, but today, men can also use to prevent pregnant women as well. Men can use condoms and can swallow pills, but many scientists have yet to demonstrate these supplements properly and safety. to protect pregnant women should follow the method of birth control. Experts say women should avoid taking supplements not approved by experts because the pill affects evil can destroy the chances of pregnancy in the future. Here's what couples do after the fire lover without protection:
1. Supplements: Most women taking emergency contraception. However, this small pills have side effects such as bleeding, abdominal pain, breast pain, women are still taking to prevent pregnancy. Birth control pills after sex, really effective and should be consumed in less than 48 hours. This pill will prevent fertilization. 2. Contraceptive methods: a sensor and safe contraceptive methods are effective for women. This sensor made of plastic resin has a T-shaped, which was incorporated into the woman's uterus. Require minor surgery by experts. After the inclusion of this device, and the chances of pregnancy 1/1 million. However, this tool has been incorporated into the women's uterus in 72 hours in order to protect from accidental pregnancy. However, a good understanding with expert consulting gynecologist before going to use contraception after sex.

Prophecy 30 you always dreamed indicate?

1) Blood dream: a dream that killed up bleeding or blood, which is death, and put the whole way.* Prophecy indicates that dividend would have succeeded or somewhat lucky adventures.- Dreamed of blood flow or blood flow out of the body itself.* Prophecy that will or have received good news from afar.- A dream that eating animal blood.* Prophecy that will have succeeded dividend of luck or gambling.2) had a dream monster or ghost Ghosts haunt the dream: that all prophecy and success luck lucky or dividend Fortunately, something entered.3) the dream dead: the prophecy that the dividend will be successful lucky or successful dividend from any job or role Trafficking . If you had a dream that the dead and yellow worms that dream will be a highly successful Fortune double overtime .4) pregnant dream: that you can prophecy awaiting decisions from anyone, and the decision is always good .5) dream: Prophecy indicates that single you will share those with couples with children.6) had a dream: that dream prophetic fleshy baby will tell that you're going to a dividend Headphones or a son coming soon.7) had a dream: that dream prophecy found three old kid that you will receive the dividend or son This soon (if it has koukrong).8) had a dream or dreamed that shooting guns or heard alarming: Prophecy indicates that women will meet ABC but if Men will have a better fate.9) dream to see turtles or turtle or turtle: prophecy that the dividend will be successful from 4 feet or 2 feet %: Soon.10) had a dream that dream fish, fish, fish and fish swim: prophecy that will have succeeded or received goodies items. In addition, the job will get further improvement.11) gecko dream: a prophecy that will get good news from work or remuneration from any little lucky.12) dream snake
Dream snake tight or cling wrap body * Prophecy indicates that single women will be met. However, when the dream was observed that if the snake poke above body, such as tighter restrictions waist prophecy that ABC promoted good or Honored suitable. However, if the case of the dream snake even lower down the prophecy said ABC deserved, but for those with low and partners the dream was arrested snake dividend that will become successful or lucky dividend from something. - The dream that a snake bite: The prophecies indicate that enemies of the opposite sex will have bad aim, or from neighbors. If the snake hanging low from the waist down, can happen a little bit. But if the snake hanging from the waist up or otherwise dangerous disease symptoms or incident occurs. - Dreams that tried to escape from the snake, but the inevitable: prophecy that you (man or woman you love ) is confident the other spouse. - Dream of snakes and fought with such a cut snake cut in pieces, or kicked until dead snake: Prophecy You'll meet people who are satisfied but always miss you go away. - A dream that the snakes and snake escaped bravery consumers but still chasing until he got up and woke up: Prophecy You meet people who are like, but you're not ready. They also share continue to . - Had a dream that the snakes are quietly tightening: Prophecy indicates that you are ABC and build relationships with them. 13) had a dream worm or a worm crawling seborrhea beside ourselves or see worms in rotten corpses: prophecy that will receive the dividend Trading lucky or better. 14) dream kaeb: prophecy that will meet people of the opposite sex, a Ci. 15) had a dream Dragon King: The prophecy that you will get criticism or were employed or received any injustice happened. 16) had a dream that the tooth - Dreamed that the tooth: prophecy that will fill elderly father died. - Dream tooth follows: prophecy that elderly mother died. - Had a dream to grow new teeth: prophecy that will stay as a good omen. 17) had a dream to see crocodiles and crocodile attack: prophecy that will meet the enemy or who attempt to harm or bad steal our property. 18) dream of seeing an old girlfriend: that all prophecy and successful dividend previously not thought or hoped. 19) the dream that was born Son: Prophecy indicates that the work that you think will get a smooth and successful . In addition, the trading business will improve further. 20) dream to see the coffin, but no bodies overlap or carry the coffin: a prophecy that will receive good news or Remote dividend or change job roles better. 21) the dream pregnancy: Prophecy indicates that caution broke Kong to invest or work khatdaem . 22) dream shit or shit yourself or bowel manure: prophecies that you will have a reputation or are spoken by slander. 23) dreamed cats: prophecy that will receive a dividend or appreciation from the elderly or control or order. 24) dream to see the Buddha or other * Dream - Dream big or small worship * Prophecy that dream wedding glory to themselves or have succeeded dividend in the coming days. - Brahma dream * That the prophetic dream Brahma statue or bowed That's a good dream you will get happiness and Leap. - Bottom dream Buddha (Buddha footprints) * Prophecy that will have succeeded remuneration and employment issues responsible headway or more are shifted positions improvement. - Dream or stupas towers or tall pillar top * Prophecy confirmed that the wedding will be a success for themselves. If civil servants or workers will get higher positions. Businessman reputation in a good way but success rich dividends less money. 25) Money dreamed himself: the prophecy that if a single pair, but if you have a partner and children or items silver lucky or successful dividend something. 26) haircut dream: all the prophecies that are going to win the case: the illness will be relieved. 27) breast dream - Dream female breast or fondling * Prophecy that you will have succeeded dividend received money favorite. - A dream that the baby suckling * Prophecy that will suffer a traumatic illness or loss of money. 28) leech dream or dream leech clinging to the body until a cry for help in a dream: that if prophecy single, a widow or widower or have succeeded dividend from the opposite sex. 29) dreamed that cry: his prophecy that will come back soon, or would otherwise have received dividend successful beyond anticipation. 30) Ben elephant - Dream elephant herd * Prophecy that will receive support from the support group. - Dream ivory or ivory * Prophecy that the dividend will be successful very big. If a trader will have separate vendors, but if work or income working civil servants will be successful dividend dividend or have succeeded somewhat lucky. - Elephant trots * Prophecy that will have succeeded dividend from older people in the near future. - The dream ride elephants or elephant touch * Prophecy that will receive good news from the travel distance travel or get any luck. - Dream fell from a ride on an elephant or damrichohbreng * Prophecy that you will get any bad or attempt from enemies stronger.

6 men if women want to avoid

You Should Know: Khmer women, mostly married man, and when the man unwavering conversion physical or psychological harm always drop those things Karma did not think those things are sometimes different from the self-chosen.Another factor arises because marriage joined together by parents or someone forced poor women were considered life's essence and always blaming the same karma. They may be the right attitude, but here I told the men, 6 women must be free, if you want in life. These include:
1. hippie men with character Hippie character is not geared hippie man. These men are men who do not have responsibilities in their life known only to entertain and sometimes as a brutal. 2. The female (male) Men love luxury makeup clean and comprise temperamental character but no real willingness. There may be 1 or 2 of 1000 that this type of position, prominence in society. 3. The material This type of man, there has been a lot. The kind of man who loves modern luxury like never worry about their partner's feelings. Means a selfish man I have always been. 4. Mao tough guys Tough guys who are miserly heart. Women planet intersection with men in her life, do not expect the best dress or makeup again. 5. softening without volition The old saying was chosen man boobs 5 feet because real men is that men may be responsible for their own future destiny and their lives, but for partners softening unwavering men like chongosral clear that they will follow the orders of my aunt if conflicts arise. 6. toupvolpheap of penis In other words, man is not capable of this kind of male sexuality because generally the kind of person who likes to use sexual violence ... you can If victim met the man. new birth

Vote for overseas workers

Reform Alliance of elections called (ERA) has urged the National Election Committee (NEC. NEC.) Organized office to register to vote borders and embassies Khmer abroad so that citizens exile migrant worker the opportunity to vote everyone. The mention of such a forum roundtable discussion on "The system of registering new voters," on the afternoon of December 3, 2015, which was attended by representatives of NEC. NEC. Organization COMFREL organizations Nixon Pacific Center for Education Law for the communities, political parties and some other organizations. Executive director of Comfrel as a member of the Electoral Reform Alliance intellectual Koul said that Khmer citizens who migrate to work abroad amounted to hundreds of thousands of people and they were absent in the last election. He urged.. Conduct fresh voter registration on the uptick in the border and the Khmer embassy so that those citizens registered to vote. He said: "NEC. NEC. Must form his mobile so that Mee some who live in Thailand, each migrant workers in it could to the border, and his enrollment and he said he wanted to register to vote in the province in the office at the commune, in this way, the system system c. NEC. This does not matter, they can control the name repetition, because the system is a computer system uses so-called bio-kilometers. So no concerns Clark repetition okay No, if they knew, they can go check. " In addition, participants discussed a spokesman for the ruling party Khmer Tep Virak also urged to organize elections for the citizens of Khmer who live in foreign countries. He added: "We should create a one that allow people he went to work abroad in Korea, Thailand, in Malaysia or citizens in the United States elsewhere he nationality Khmer am a Khmer am able to vote as citizens of the country too." In this regards, spokesman for NEC. NEC. Hang Putheara said in the talks that the preparation of both offices by registered voters at the border and in the embassies of each country that NEC. NEC. Has not been able to do it yet. He added: "I think that may not yet possible because the first problem is to face the current budget to address 2400 budget to the commune am not yet. Another, as I say in themselves, officials said yesterday that the embassy can help just have to register complaints something he was not able to cope. So we certainly need additional financial resources needed to push for registration in both frontier and abroad. "