Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The copy business in Cambodia (Part 2)

Mr Yeam Chim the founder and general manager of the Mobile Coffee have shown the concerns about copying business that there are many risks can lead to failure. He said that "Traders may face with the risk of intellectual property that are facing legal business and have to pay for the owner of the intellectual property law. The spread of food and drinks on the outward appearance, but the taste and quality is a very low percentage, as the original owner. "
What does the copy business have a negative impact? Mobile Coffee founder has said that first it hits the honored reputation of themselves. If in a country there are rich of this kind of business, that country will be still no progress, and even as they are successful the people and neighboring countries will not appreciate them. Second, there is a high risk of failure because vendors no innovative ideas and a clear business plan. Third, the honor of business owners will not be in the eyes of the people around them.