Thursday, September 17, 2015

Chile earthquake has shaken Latin America

Chile earthquake has shaken Latin America Many South American countries to recognize the severity of the 8.3 magnitude earthquake in Chile, which has killed five people dead and more than 1 million people have emigrated

Foreign news reports from the capital, Santiago, Chile on September 17. York. That President Michel Bachem modulating the release of the Chilean state television on Wednesday night, local time. After the 8.3 earthquake off the northern coast of the country on the evening of the same day. That is again the Chilean faced severe natural disasters. Which killed at least five people dead and one missing person and the people who live along the coast, more than one million people have emigrated.
on the evening of Wednesday, local time in Chile. More reports about the earthquake or aftershocks followed by several more of these four times more violence than 6.0 and less than 7.0 times first. However USGA assess the severity of tremors is still less than the earthquake in Chile last month. May. 2553 a severe magnitude 8.8 and killed more than 500 dead, but this latest earthquake can be felt as far as Peru. Argentina and Brazil, with Chile as the country faced one of the most frequent violent earthquakes in the world. It's set on a plate Ignaz check confluence with the South American plate. This increases the height of the Andes with. The Tsunami Warning Center in the Pacific of the United States. Located on the island of Hawaii The 4.5 meter high tsunami swept ashore in the city Lago floodplain Lamborghini wave height of 15-20 cm to 1 m, Peru and around the Hawaiian Islands. It also has extended the scope of the surveillance of the tsunami to reach the coast of southern and central California. West of the US.